OKAY BILLY-JACOB.. So you're so shocked you know not what to say!
How's about a strummin on that One-String Six-String! One man's discard another's treasure!!!
See Billy.. All things are Possible!! You just have to be bold enough to ask beliving it is already yours....
There are no limits to what GOD will do!! So you play and we will sing New Songs onto HIM;
From HIS Mountaintops of our hearts...
There are no limits to what HE will do for us and through us....
NO boundaries blocking where HE will take us....
LET's STAY READY SINGING FROM the depths of our souls;
HIS JOY is our strength... and HIS Graces New and Fresh each Morning;
We can do all things through Him... SO LET's GO OUT & DO the Impossible.. with HIM; FOR Him & Through HIM..
Let's Get Started Billy-Jacob and all you....
You Can Be Esther's and Jacobs TOO!
Smiling and giving Praise regardless what is happening!!
Never letting any man part from thee without bestowing some kind of Blessing...
And those Blessing will follow you too... For even a Smile is a seed planted into another's heart..
That will produce a harvest both for you and ALL!
Life can bring some funky rolls and one-two punches...But after 25 Years we all deserve... Some a cruisin and ... aLittle Champaigne and Laughter...Life can do some brusin... though when are HEARTS are bothLovin and Laughin!When Our Hearts are Filled with HIM... HIS JOY which a cometh NEW EVERY MORNING...Strengthens us along our journey;And no matter what is dished to us...When we sing NEW SONGS from HIS HOLY Mountaintops of Our SOULS...Blessings we both receive and pass on... never stop butKEEP OVERFLOWINGEstherStephanada here sending all of you SONSHINEY SMILES and reminding you...You can DO All Things Through HIM... SO LET US ALL GO OUT & DO the IMPOSSIBLE !!!With HIM; Through HIM; and For HIM...HE WILL DO IT FOR US!
We all have days that STUFF HAPPENS!
But you nor I have to let it fluster us...
Though when we walk with the JOY of the Lod in our heart,
And Do all things for HIM and through HIM...
When we depend on HIM to do it for us and through us...
Doing it not by our own strength;
We can rest assure if it does not come out as we planned... He must have wanted it the way it actually has come to be...
For if not you would have something else!
For Our Lord NEVER makes any mistakes,
Though because HE Loves us so much...
He will do things differently than we asked...
For HIS WORD Promises that HE wants to give HIS Beloved Children Infinately more than we can ask think dream or imagine...
So never panic;
Have no fear;
Our Lords Gifts are always Far Better!!
EstherStephanada Can & you can too..
Do All Things Through Christ who Strengthens Me & You!
So Let Us All Go Out & Do the Impossible... and watch for His Miracles upon us!!