Sunday, March 24, 2013

We All Can Get Tired or Weary of the "Same Ole Same Old Routine" But Each of Us Including you & I...

You and I can choose to rise above all things!  

Sometimes when the www....www... wait wait wait...upon the Lord is or I better say "seems" ridiculously too long...
And you are tempted to be irritated with God for HE did promise__________
to your heart!

How long can a person wait without serious discouragement?

I would say that it is different for each individual.

While routine can be good as for as having the same place of employment for example one rises at the same time each morning to get ready for.. and lies down at night for sleep at the same time each night to be fully rested before he or she begins his or her day...

When the same ole same old routine becomes lonely, boring and fails to have any substance but one feels dry and empty even if they are not someone who has wondered far from Almighty God...

Some are in Holy Mass early every single morning.

I am as I type this one, I am definitely preaching to myself.

For I am tired of having to move over and over again because of the wicked violations of our privacy every where we have rented.

God has promised us much....VERY MUCH and and it certainly I and my husband at times feel that HE....
GOD that is...is late delivering!

Well there have been many times I can recall God tried to make some of these deliveries...
But because my husband & I were worn down...I am looking back to specific examples of when God placed into our path a person whom God wanted to move through in our lives.

But in several instances when worn down both physically & mentally exhausted...
Either I...William or both of us...no different than Mary Magdeline did not recognize the Lord risen before HE ascended to HIS Father...

Remember she thought HE was the gardener???
We were crying out for bare necessities but recognized not the one who was ready to full fill our needs and ignored him thinking well...  I am not precisely sure what we thought...

But the point is that many do not even recognize God becoming God in the breaking of the bread within Holy Mass.

For if they truly recognize and ponder who HE is that they receive into their mouths & within their own bodies in Holy Mass...

They would not be chattering 90 miles per second immediately after Father gives his final blessing.

Many run out of the church even long before Father genuflects or bows at the altar & turns his back to the altar to exit the sanctuary...

Some do not even wait to this point but run out before he has even kissed the altar before walking around it to face it and genuflect before turning to lead all out!

What most do not realize is what their action says.

By racing to be the first one out even before the priest and the processional crucifix:
"Lord I will beat you there...I can get there without you...  I know my own way...Don't bother yourself...my way is better than yours!"

And so they live out that day and every other day that follows till the next Holy Mass they bother to fit into their schedules...
Their same ole same old poor choices wondering WHERE ARE YOU LORD?  WHY HAVE YOU NOT FIXED THIS YET?

But when they raced ahead of the Lord not only were they going so fast that they never saw or smelled the azaleas blooming in front of St Joseph's...

They had left the Lord behind themselves so they lost sight of HIM.
How can anyone....how can I hold God responsible for that which I have taken control?

It is easy to drift from "surrender" to "passive" to "presumption" which eventually becomes "DISASTER".

Then who would not expect....you & I both...  "Okay Lord you can clean up this mess now!"

But even right now in the midst of unpleasant circumstances that I am typing now to you, my readers around the world...

When I choose to look not at what is not yet...
Right now I am laying down the thoughts that dogged my mind and heart last night as I went to bed so early....
I said that I was too tired to stay up even another half hour...

I fell asleep maybe in 15 minutes and was wakened when a HOT RODING muffer-less vehicle sped through shaking this building...

With so many night life types of noises racing by outside I actually considered getting up but I knew that would just wear me down even more....

But finally not ear plugs...but once I gave up my "right" in my own heart & mind....
My right to be disgusted with God was laid down...I went into a very peaceful slumbering sleep...
In spite of  allergies due to our mattress being directly on the floor....

And now I am holding in my exuberance and desire to sing...
Just until my husband is awake and up...he was so patient & understanding last night...
I do not want to wake him.

Sometimes...we rise higher and and much more is accomplished...when we do not look at what needs doing...
But keep our eyes on the Son.

Keeping our eyes focused on HIM alone...we are not seeing our messes nor distresses...
It becomes easier to sing new songs all day long...
And we trade our frustration and pain for HIS joy and laughter...and any disasters that may exist within our midst our not our responsibility to solves when HE is in front of us leading us from the driver's seat.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Today I'm "Flippin" Joy!

Last year before my husband & I temporarily shook Louisiana dust for Mionnesotta breezes that were not yet freezin...
I opened an email that apeared to be from a friend I knew well & love much.
And just has happened to most computing folks in this world at least once....
Hummmmmmmmmmm  a wormy germ got into my computer callrd "Flipora!"
Well my computer had fallen when my husband opened our side door along our journey through Arkansas...
WalMart parking lot along Hwy 71 to be exact...
My screen cracked and so getting rid of the "Flipora" became a concern no more...
Until Saturday when my Dawlin replaced my screen.
Today I went to my Norton Security & chatted with technician...and she who was in Arkansas....did such a wonderful job of not only getting rid of the wormy bug....but kindly educated me too..."Flipping joy to you...that you need not let anything make you blue...
But sing, give thanks for what is not yet...
And the Lord up above who sits upon the throne watching & waiting to hear HIS Holy Word sung with just a mustard dustin of trustin Faith & Love...
That HE may make your dreams that you sing become reality!
MIRACLES that is will follow & chase you down....
No chance to frown or be down when you are singing dreams into reality...
SMILE!!!  Sing!!
Monkeys Do what monkeys hear and see!
What are they seeing you do?

CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th

CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th


We Can't Get Enough of Her!!!

EstherStephanada Meet Two NEW FRIENDS!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU
From Kanapolis NC K&W