Friday, December 27, 2013

Fwd: Christmas Time is Difficult for Many....And All Though Ours Too Did Not Pass Without Bumps or Bruises....

Christmas Time is Difficult for Many....And All Though Ours Too Did Not Pass Without Bumps or Bruises....
And your Christmas may have too...come along more swiftly than you would have preferred bringing visits that might not have been pleasant.
You and I if not careful...can allow the enemy of God to steal from us the pearl hidden within the tough hard oyster shell of attitudes that lack gratitude and have never truly loved before....
Life can be harsh for many no matter what time of year it is or where they must be on any particular date.
Jealous resentful ones raise their heads high with their sharp critical judgemental tongues every chance they get at us almost every where we go anytime of the year...a true Christian who shakes the dust of the unrighteous off him or herself frequently moving on...to the next church...the next town as Jesus instructed HIS apostles...go into each town blessing the house of the first person you meet and if they receive your blessing stay there do not move from house to house...your blessing will remain upon them forever.
But if they do not receive you...shake their dust as a testament against them..and go forth to the next town...the next church...
To the next place do not carry the bitterness, resentfulness or jealousy of those who reject you...remember they hated Jesus Christ Himself long before you or I were ever born....
And Jesus said:  "If they hate me they will hate you."   so why then would you or I ever base our happiness upon being accepted by someone who knows not how to love or let others love them???
Over our Christmas....we endured such from biological family members of mine who you would expect to be happy for us.
But my William & refuse to get into a contest with anyone....we simply walked away again rejoicing that we made a best effort returning to my parents home after having not been there in a very long time....and that at least my brother and sister in law are back in our lives.
None of us can make the choices of any other person but only ourselves.
Lets not set ourselves up for serious disappointment by raising expectations that are dependent upon other people and not controlled by ourselves and God alone.
For people will almost always disappoint because few people have the same goals, the same priorities and the same motivation.
And when any time you base your happiness on certain people agreeing with you, or certain people liking you or even more deadly and damaging to yourself....basing your happiness upon certain people truly loving you...regardless who they are...even if sadly someone who should love you the most and be the happiest for you...and never jealous at all....
You set yourself up to never find joy or happiness in your entire life.
For the Holy Scripture defines love in the Book of Corinthians this way:  "Love is patient; love is kind; it never puts on aires....it is never self seeking."
Scripture also says that when we bless others....give alms we are not to let our left hand know what the right is doing.
This does not mean that when we give that we should never expect a return...but rather we cannot give expecting a specific return....this is not giving nor loving but is defined as a "Purchase."
But some people when they give or help someone...often their own family member particularly an adult child of their own flesh...biological son or daughter...
they do so with intentions that then they have the right to control their adult child and his our her nuclear family.
This is only one example of giving that is not giving freely.
Love has to not have strings attached for love or giving with strings attached like onto a kite that control the kites flight..left or right...higher...and higher...or lower in the sky.
For "Love" that seeks power or control is not love but coercion.
So I though our Christmas Season was not all that we hoped for relationship wise...
We rejoice that we received far more than we had dreamed for when visiting my parents....
My brother & sister in law who have not fallen away from their Catholic Faith as my father did long before I was born....my brother, sister in law, and nephews have rejoiced with us to be again in hugging each other with our arms and hearts and so Christmas for us Gustavsons was very blessed.
Let none of us regardless where on earth we are from or have been...or where we are headed...journeying to....allow anyone else to steal from us what is ours and belongs to no other unless we give...
That is our hearts, our souls joy and happiness regardless if we are married or single we will always meet and greet along every street sour grapers who will always judge us critically...
Be not rude...say that is your choice_____________, but as for me and my husband____________as for me and my wife_________  We will serve the Lord and never be blue over this or that and certainly not blue over you or your choices which are yours to make.
Then drive or dance away into the sunset...knowing you put forth your best effort to be peace makers...to be bridges between others not dividers....rejoice that HE makes each day new...and since like Doris Day always sang:   "Kay Sarah Sarah...whatever will be will be..the future is not ours to see.... " 
And add in your own versus:   But you and I can choose the better things along our way each day as we keep seeking HIS Holy Face with our hearts always kneeling to HIM.
And when I our you on purpose choose to refuse to let others dictate how we feel, act or behave..or even control our decisions what clothes we wear, or how we style our hair...hats or no hats...
Without using profanity stating your decision of limitations...regardless circumstances....and cutting of those relationships which tried to divide you and your wife or husband or causing you to sin or slide...
You will like us become Esthers and Jacobs too....walking in the path towards righteousness and heaven....
On the road to be as Mother Angelica encourages all who watch and listen.... her Intro of her "Mother Angelica Live Program which can be viewed  on    www.EWTN.com
"We are all called to be great saints...Don't miss the opportunity!"
Amen Amen Amen!
If you benefit from EstherStephanada's public writings....consider sending a gift to keep her online...her Internet service up and running to:

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1175
Madisonville, LA 70447
And add your smiling face or silhouette to the FOLLOWERS list on this page by using Friend Connect.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lovin you be not blue HE has already over come that & this too...And When You Love Both Your Neighbor & Me Too....

No enemy from hell who ever hovers over you trying to steal HIS joy from you...
Will have the ability to proper...


The sun of the Son shall shine forever more through anything that makes me or you blue...For when we have HIM & HE has me & you...

There is absolutely not a thing we must do alone.....we need not be strong...
But let HIM who is in you and in me...who longs to free of from all bondage and pain...

HE yearns to take upon HIS own shoulders all that weighs any and all of you, me, and my Puddin Head Precious William...

But HE is a gentleman who will never force HIS will our desire upon us...
We must reach out to HIM ask in trust and actually give our sorrows, fears....our joys and laughter too...
To HIM...

As St Francis says:  Cast your care upon HIM for HE cares for me and you...

So you and we need not fear but remain free indeed in, with & though HIM the only friend who is forever Faithful and never makes mistakes...

 HE knew long before now that this too would come....
And this too shall pass...

And at last...HE will raise us onto HIS Holy Wings of fire and with great love 
HE shall carry us above and upon these clouds of our circumstance...

It is never up to us do do anything but obey and and follow....
We are called to be believers not achievers...

Obedient followers of HIS leadership...
Not the leaders less we shall slip...

Fall and go down into pits laid as traps for us....or even traps and prisons of our own making.

And this is what gives us freedom...

For whatever foils our plans....happens so that HIS commands have the opportunity to trample the enemy again and again Amen!

William's hernia far worse needs surgery...surgical consult scheduled for Wednesday at hospital surgical office where his outside VA oncologist is.

William is believing God, praying for a MIRACULOUS healing of tumor that he not have to undergo the hernia surgery.

I keep saying he must keep Wednesday's appointment since even when God heals...one must go to the doctor to confirm the MIRACLE or risk losing the MIRACLE.

I am still washing everything by hand and packing our van with most all of our belongings....except for our mattress so that if the evil one continues to illegally enter there will be nothing of value for them to steal....

Not that the loss of things will break us...
But rather no papers with personal information whether medical, social Security....whatever...
That could endanger us if found by such an evil doer.

Preparing to embrace tent camping still again on November 30, 2013.

William needs help in the bathroom, dressing etc....not because of the tumor which is improved...but the hernia which he would not have had he allowed me to do our lifting and carrying on Art Stroll Day October 5, 2013.

Each of you....each of you are so so precious....precious... precious!

Whether you are among the few here in the United States who have chosen to receive our hearts within yours...or if you are among  the many in different parts of Europe, Asia... India and Africa...or upon islands or anywhere around this earth who have loved us for years over the Internet...

Or if you are finding us now for the first time and choose to reach out to us today with love....placing your face as a FOLLOWER on this page using friend connect...

I invite you to write me & my husband at our PO Box address bellow...
Let us exchange bright Sonshiney Smiles & gifts..

And be God's lift to each other forever and ever Amen...

Love & Blessings to you!

Lets never get discouraged but instead encourage one another...our sisters and brothers...
Let us never compete with our friend, sister or brother...
But instead seek to assist our friend along his our her journey...

Making our own journeys a shared journey...
For it is not about getting to a finish line first...

But making certain that we go through the narrow gates with care together that not one trips without being lifted up and carried upon our shoulders...

For we are to be imitators of HIM Jesus Christ.

We are not to be seeking to be the first to finish...but to bring with us many souls along with us who also cross the finish line safely & securely through the narrow gate to salvation in heaven forever together forever.

Let not one be lost....imitate HIM HE already paid the cost that you and I need not be the best...but the last to cross the finish line after making certain that each one whom HE has given us...placed on our path needy of friendship, love, compassion or any good physical or spiritual thing...

Sing Sing Sing....New songs of joy & thanksgiving and all living will therefore be full filling our hearts and HIS plans for all to eternity.

Amen Amen Amen....dear friends!


All mail sent to Ponchatoula is already being forwarded to Madisonville address bellow even though we are not in the park till the 30th of November and this is because our Ponchatoula PO Box expired on October 31, 2013.

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1175
Madisonville LA 70447

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Your Words Too Are Causing Yourself Aggrevation Since You Have Never Taken The Time To Learn The True Root Meaning Of Common Words Everyone Speaks To Each Other

Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 9:19 AM
All people are both sponges that most remember what they heard well enough that when they hear it again in another place under new circumstances it sounds and feels familiar and that familiarity gives them comfort even if they know the words repeated in their conversation really mean something much different than how society uses these sames words today.
And they go about their own personal days not thinking about it whatsoever.
But: "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, My people...my sisters and brothers...sons and daughters... you do onto ME!
"Did you feed the hungry ones who I sent to live among you...to show you that life need not be so complicated...that if you love each other without measure never being concerned of what the next day or hour will bring...
That My joy that always completes all things will never stop flowing but only keeps growing and multiplying as you give and share it more and more generously.
Had yo fed them and received them into your hearts your concerns that tie your heart and mind at all times you would have lost...
For within those who really know ME...are at peace indeed without needs that I cannot or will not meet as I keep the devils under their feet.
Those who remain in ME with ME and through ME I Myself do all things for them,
For their lives are lives of total surrender and they merely ride upon My eagles wings from one adventure of challenges into and through still more storms one or more at once at times...
But they lose not heart for they are one in ME and they do not try to force things to work together as though they think they should.
For by giving ME and only ME the credit for all things accomplished in and through them...
They also do not try to take responsibility for the outcome in things they had no control....nor attempted to take charge of...
Their peace, tranquility, solace and freedom comes from not concerning themselves about circumstances for they know I AM not limited by them even though mankind who have not yet chosen to be one of Mine are...
They bind themselves with added limitations with their cocky faddish copy-cat vocabulary though they know it not.
Only you Stephanada have I given this knowledge, and I AM depending upon you to teach them this which I AM and I have been and will continue to teach you."
So in the spirit of remaining one in HIM..obeying each of the many commands HE gives me as HE directs me in HIS paths of righteousness through trails of challenges and trials many by fire with the only water HIS Holy Words with which HE places inside of me...
I ask you today to actually listen to the words that you naturally say...
Often over and over again.  Some words HE has told me to strike from my vocabulary and teach others to do the same will surprise you for often they are the salutation of letters from fine individuals who have been raised into high positions of both esteem and responsibility including heads of  states, nations and corporations.
Have you ever received a letter that opens with the following greeting?
I am writing...."
Hello is a greeting from the evil one though I found some other origins people will remember.   See:    http://hotword.dictionary.com/hello/
What they have written only touches the surface.
And what I share with you now that I will be held accountable for by God Almighty Himself if I were to not write clearly that you may understand.
Whether you work on your vocabulary changing words such as "hello" which is the word:  "hell" with an "OOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" tacked the end to greet your friends & neighbors by saying "hallo" which comes from "hallowed"  "hallowed by the Holy Name of God Our Father" and we are all called to imitate God our Father and so if we really do reflect who HE is within ourselves...our names too will be hallowed because we are pure vessels of HIM spreading HIM to all we meet along each and every street HE ever places along.
Whether you make the conscious choice to honor God with your words or continue as you have through your life this far only you can decide.
When you decide to follow and serve Jesus with your tongue...your spoken words that will honor God when you purposely choose to...
Let not your heart be troubled if your tongue goes into it's old patterns.
Use each moment that this naturally happens to out loud tell God you are sorry correct your self to who ever you were conversing and teach them what you have learned and how you have consciously purposely chosen to alter your vocabulary and why and encourage them to also.
God will richly reward you because you have chosen to do this for the purpose of honoring HIM in a way that will transform not only your own life but the lives of each one to whom you ever speak to or even merely in front of.
Your words will inspire and cause both yourself and others to be raised even higher and you too will be Esthers & Jacobs too!
Amen Amen Amen!  And Alleluia!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I Trust That All Of You Are Walking Without Being Weary & Running Without Fainting??? If Not...It Is Time To Start!

Are you walking without getting weary??  Are you running without fainting?  Are you laying your hands on the sick expecting them to be healed and seeing them do the same?

For if you  are not...your minds are playing games with you...for you can be and should be if you are in Jesus Christ greater things than HE did HE proclaimed that you & I shall do....

Do you believe HIM?  Or will you by your doubt call HIM a liar?

When we berry up others burdens in the heart of Christ Jesus....we can become world changers!

For each one with their own choices create the world within they live....your choices and mine can always either make worse or create far better circumstances for ourselves and our neighbors.

For it is impossible for our Lord to lie without ceasing to be Himself...and so anything HIS Holy Word says that we can, or will do...it is merely a personal choice to start doing!

Have you yet  begun to lay your hand's on the sick while expecting them to instantly be healed?

For Jesus Christ while preaching & teaching HIS Holy Gospels said to the apostles hen they were in shock & awe over a shrivelled up dead tree that Jesus had cursed:

"Greater things than these you shall do in My Name!!"

So our dear Lord is at the right hand of the Father...His Father and your Father and my Father too....

And so therefore sisters and bothers...mothers and fathers and each one whom you know with whom you share this message...

Start doing now what you never did before...
Not that you could not....but you would not...

For you never took our Lord's Words personal enough.

What HE said to HIS apostles and to others then...

Jesus says now to you, to each priest, sister, mother and brother to each human being born on earth of any woman under the sun of the son.

It is false humility to live not expecting God to create even more extraordinary  MIRACLES than HE did...

Because HE expects us to receive and do all that HE said we were to do:

So as you begin your day greeting Him with new songs singing aloud as you dress and have breakfast before journeying down the roads and byways...inviting the poor and lame and the afraid to come along with you... to Holy Mass...and receive HIM in Eucharist...

And those who are not even Catholic...will by their presence invite Jesus into their hearts for HE Himself will draw them into Himself.

Then filled with HIM...strengthen even more for whatever this new day will bring...

Go out now and lay hands on the sick and weary...the ones who are just a bit woosey oppressed by demonic spirits of heaviness and open your mouth and say: 

 "In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ spirit of Heaviness be gone to the foot of the Cross  in Jesus Name and remain!

And be made whole in Jesus Name...and never be the same!

Deaf dumb spirits, & spirits of infirmity I order you to the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ by the authority of my baptism in Jesus' Holy Name I pray...

And you shall begin to see God's holy spirit move in a more brisk and strong way...

Jesus said:  GREATER THAN THESE you & I shall do once HE goes to the right hand of HIS Father...

So what are you and the rest of the Body of Christ waiting for???

HE has told us how to do all things..

We simply need to choose to be MIRACLE workers in HIS Holy Name from the moment we wake til we close our eyes in bed for sleep...

But even then expect MIRACLES as you sleep...

For His Holy Word also says "HE gives HIS righteous little ones good things even as they sleep or in their slumber!"

So why expect to wake to blunders to work at to undo...

Go to sleep expecting that HIS Good News alive in you that works in & through you even as you sleep....healing every cell and fiber of your being requiring not even a speck of your energy to complete...

Expect yourself today from early morn of dawn to move mountains from out of your path all day ....

By speaking not about your mountains but ...
 To mountains of debt mountains and of pain, hate and jealousy and  to mountains of indifference the same...

And  see the strength restored to those whom you have known for years to be dragging themselves along under demonic spirits of heaviness and displeasure.

Only because today when you hear HIS Holy Voice as you read this letter which HE Himself has commanded me to type or write to you...

You and each heart with whom you share this...

Shall never again think that those MIRACLES were just for then....but they were and still are promised and given to every generation on earth who will joyfully boldly accept HIS gift which HE plainly stated was then and is now just waiting for every "whosoever" who will come to HIM whether heavily burdened or simply has been living life in too much hurry...

To each one HE gives the same offer...HIS very best in all circumstances...as Martha could not grasp even from the Lord Himself whom she served within her own home...

Only Mary knew how to choose and receive HIS best and HE promised shall not be taken from her.

Whether you or anyone...every whosoever chooses less than God's best has chosen fragments instead of a loaf or merely bristle instead of meat...

Has chosen it out of false humility.

For our Lord offers us all good things and HE grieves when we choose less than what we can have particularly when our hearts are always kneeling to HIM.

So start this moment right now...look beyond not only the bread that you eat who is our saving Lord...

Look beyond what is before you now in each human person and child...see the sick with Jeremiah eyes and speak healing into each of them and see the hand of Jesus Christ on top of yours as you lay your hands in Jesus Name upon anyone HIS Holy Hands come with yours!

And the next time you write....I want to hear about the MIRACLES HE has done because you have begun to boldly open your mouth...

More boldly than the children of darkness who have had so much power only because HIS children of HIS Light have been to quiet and silent.

Silence breeds fear and fear breeds doubt.

Where there is doubt Faith can never coexist...
So cast all spirits of fear to the foot of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ first...
Then hope, joy, peace and love may ring out everywhere.

Joy always cometh in the morning...not mourning!

Why mourn over what is not?

When you  and I can instead...open our mouths like HE did and speak to the dead to rise up out of their sleep and sins and in HIS Holy Light live!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!


Monday, July 29, 2013

We Have Many Tasks Each Day .. Including Following Up on Our Food Stamp Application....But Amidst All When We Seek HIM First All Else Is Added Unto Us

July 29, 2013
We like all of you...have had many challenges both with sickness in our bodies that often cause difficulty in working enough hours for a wage to provide basic needs.
After honestly reporting a bit of income in the month of January which was immediately spent paying old bills that were mostly grocery bills we had run on charge accounts instead of taking the abusive incompassionate scrutiny of our own Catholic Saint Vincent De Paul...
The Food Stamp Office actually cancelled our Food Stamps and even though William had been unhealthy unable to work for months that followed...and even before health became an issue...there is too much jealousy and hatred for us...that because we live as every human being was created to and refuse to "sin even a little bit"  to become one of the Saint Joseph Majority Crowd in Ponchatoula...
We still try to hide and keep our distance from an abundance of angry jealous ones who instead of accepting our love and being transformed by our love...yesterday instead of attacking William I was clobbered by an angry jealous young mother sitting behind us...
Her daughters looked on in absolute horror & shock of what their mother did before their very eyes....as I said to my husband "come on honey that was done on purpose..."
And so we moved to the far back of the church content to even stand the entire Mass if that is what is required to receive the Holy Sacraments among wolves pretending to be obedient loving sheep.
This woman at the time had the entire pew behind us which was the very back pew of the church in front of the cry room to herself and her children.
The Holy Mass had only just begun we had just sat down after opening prayers....to hear the first reading read to us.
This mother's daughters though they chattered a bit...I think one girl was a friend...of her eldest girl and not her daughter.
For not only did these two enjoy each other much more than sisters that young ever do..typically twins would fight not have fun together..
But how did a sister manage to receive the gift of such a sweet dress while the other was stuck in tight vulgar pants like the jealous mother on the attack strutting her vulgar mouth as well as her hip bone in clothes so tight revealing her exact shape...
You know my husband said to me later: "She did that because you wear a veil and a dress."
I said to him..".I am not going to conform myself to her or them just so that maybe we won't be abused next week."
Living righteously is difficult enough even if one is not so ferociously attacked as we.
Often it is difficult to make the best choice.
But one thing is true and will always remain true and that is if we seek God first with all of our hearts.
When we put our relationship with HIM our priority as soon as we open our eyes....seeking first HIS Kingdom all other things will be added unto us...
Well William nor I could find the address of the Tangipohoa Parish Food Stamp Office in our paper work or online.
After going to the State Website and placing our parish in....I guess the site had issues today...
So I decided...I will look up the address of the Catholic Church there...maybe we can go to Holy Mass out there for a change since we must find the Food Stamp Office anyway...they never mailed our Card that should have a "whopping $16.00 on it"
So after locating the St Helena Holy Catholic Church at 122 South First Street Amite Louisiana 70422, I then searched the web instead of with term "Tangipahoa Food Stamp Office" I searched:  "Government Offices 70422"
And what did God give me but the address of that office and other government offices just down the street from Holy Mass located at "606 South First Street"
So what does this teach us and you?
Let us not be growled up with the burdens and concerns....but to let our Lord really carry the yoke of burden of our lives...we must seek HIM starting our first wakened moment...
We must let HIM steer our day...
We must not run ahead of HIM at any time...
And spiritually those who exit the church before the procession crucifix and the priest have completely exited the sanctuary..
They do just that...they themselves are leading themselves and anyone else who pitifully follow them.
And they are the ones who are like the inappropriate mother of many daughters...who are disgruntled, frustrated and angry and wonder why God has not provided for them.
God cannot provide for those who pridefully go before HIM and do not humbly wait upon HIM...how can anyone see and hear a shepherd who is behind them because they took control from the God the only one who has the ability to provide all needs and to lead in perfect harmony.
Let us seek HIM first  letting HIM go before us and listen to HIM obediently that we will not stumble, get caught in briars of arrogance and hate...
But joyfully let us follow HIM and HE will make HIS home in us and HIS peace that surpasses all understanding will guard and guide us as HE provides for us.
And HIS peace and calm will be ours....it is also called:  Serenity.

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Saturday, July 20, 2013

God Sits on HIS Throne Watching and Waiting & Listening for An Esther or Jacob Too Who Refuses To Be Blue But Boldly Asks For MIRACLES!

Each and every boy and girl, man and woman too were created by God for God to never be blue...
But to love and be loved...and loving kindness never harms anyone nor anything....never fails to heal any and all pains...
This is true!

When Jesus walked , talked...HIS Holy Gospels HE personally taught as HE healed the sick and raised the dead...
HE taught the apostles and now teaches us both through HIS life recorded in the Holy Scriptures...but directly to our hearts Himself and through other sisters & brothers who likewise love & follow HIM.

Jesus said to HIS apostles who were stunned to see the fig tree HE had cursed withered, dried and up dead...
"Greater things than these you shall do in MY Name when I return to my Father!"

So how is it so few seek MIRACLES but accept what befalls them...go to human doctors many of whom are merely scientists who have never loved and have no FAITH?

Jesus said to Martha:  "MARTHA Martha you are concerned about many things, but only one is required...Mary has chosen the better part and it shall not be taken from her."

 The Father, Jesus the Son and the Most Holy Spirit offer now to you...
You can settle for what the world offers with all of the worlds limitations and conditions of a Caesar Society...
Or you can, and God hopes that you do...
Choose much more...
HIS very best...

The pure dreams within your heart and mind that have never been realized...
God Himself planted as seeds within you...
So why would our merciful loving God not bring your dreams and mine into reality...

HE is watching waiting for you & I to ask expecting to receive....just as Abraham knew and believed beyond even a shadow of doubt that God is both willing and able to deliver all that HE promises...

When you and I refuse to take our eyes off our dreams singing thanks and praise for them before they exist...
HE who watches upon HIS throne listening for us singing asking believing with just the FAITH of a mustard dustin of trustin....seed...
HE will always perform them.

For when you and I continually sing HIM new songs of thanks,  praise for what not is yet..
HE gets so excited HE cannot help but create MIRACLE after MIRACLE!

Do you place your FAITH & trust in mere mortal doctors..or in the One who created all life Himself??

Regardless what the doctor says....let not the doctors diagnosis scare you...but refuse to be blue...wear blue instead...and call on the life giver...
Our Divine physician to heal you from head to toe...

That you too may live for HIM teaching, preaching HIS Holy Gospel...leading those who are still living as you possibly once lived...back to HIM...
The only Divine Physician, the only Good Shepherd and always Faithful friend.

Amen Amen Amen!!


Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Expect Your MIRACLE Today & Every Day or You Might...

Only those who expect MIRACLES in every part of every day....live lives filled with MIRACLES and far more graces & Blessings than the average person alive on earth.

We receive what we we expect.

If you or I wake up anticipating bad news...

Guess what your phone will ring all day with problems.

For everyone who knows that Johnny or Jane expects days filled with problems....
Others assume that Johnny & Jane are exactly who they are to call & visit with every single delima that not only they personally encounter...

But recommend Johnny & Jane to each person they meet and greet along every single street whether in Ponchatoula Louisiana...
Or on the coast of Madagascar, Nigeria, Malawi, Egypt, India or Yugoslavia.

Earth geography never limits God's laws of deliverance, blessing or prosperity.

Nor is God ever limited by our circumstances.

We can always accept less than God's best and settle for what others are content with....

Or we can reach out for HIS greater gifts.

Jesus said:  "Far greater things than these you shall do...
For I go to my Father at HIS right hand and anything I ask is mine anything you ask in my Name My Father & I shall do for you & through you!"

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

You Will Not Do All Things While Living The Lie Of Satan Even Some Catholics Have Eaten & Believed!

Only if one is actually living what they profess to believe will he or she be chased down with infinite blessing within HIS peace that surpasses all understanding and enjoy the hope and vitality experiencing the impossible manifested daily within ones own personal life.

Once anyone has formed the belief that by not committing to a position that they therefore are lifted from, or excused from... social or spiritual responsibilty on any issue or in any area...this then becomes their standard way of life always.

And such a way of life blocks such individuals from spiritual growth and certainly prevents them from receiving the greatest desires of their heart.

I was wearing today a button pinned to my bright pink jacket that reads: PRAY FOR ABORTION TO END!"
 At a Graduation lunch in a New Orleans Catholic Parish the Sunday following Father's Day 2013...I was astounded the responses I received & conversation it spawned.

I expect this kind of confrontation if & wear it to the grocery store but not to Catholic Holy Mass & to a party of Catholic Families at a Catholic Church.

I was told that "Even if I personally would not abort my child, I don't have the right nor do you have right to suggest to others what they should do!"

Well is preaching & teaching the Holy Gospel suggesting to folks a better way to live???

And so this statement contradicts the entire life of a christian for we are called to always live by the Holt Scriptures that say:  "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!"

Let HIS life, HIS joy, HIS mercy which endures forever never cease from parting from our lips!

We are to be imitators of God who calls each by name and who speaks good things into being at all times....
We are to like God embracing all that befalls us with great FAITH...speaking hope to the hopeless and life into the dead!

I pray you see this contradiction that we all plainly see and hear all over where ever we go...

Maybe you never thought of in this perspective.

However to be recipients of MIRACLES...to have vibrant joy and peace at all times...
One cannot be sugar coating or bending the truth which is living a lie.

And if this describes you...
You can right now choose...

Shake off the indecisive...hemming and hawing and forever be like Mary and on purpose choose God's best by openly both proffessing and confessing without fear nor apologies as you defend not only life from natural conception to natural death...

But also speaking out in all situations God allows you to witness where anyone is marginalized, abused or treated even worse with indifference.

Certainly we who open our mouths correcting those whose behavior or indifference harms others...
We are not going to be popular among the fakey flakes who are living on both sides of every issue...
the subjects of our correction...

However, they, the wicked, were already always our enemy though we never recognized them as such before.

And when their backs rise up against you and I let us rejoice with the apostles and shout great praises to God for through the behavior of the wicked God exposes our enemy...our enemy actually exposes him or herself.

And an unknown enemy is always much more deadly & dangerous than the enemy who loudly romps and roams.

So be Esthers & Jacobs...being giving HIS voice through yours to all who are down and unable to rise up themselves...

Be silent no more...Be Esther & Jacob!

Amen Amen and Alleluia!


Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We All Can Receive MIRACLES and Be Vessels Through Which God Grants MIRACLES to Others

Though we must not be afraid of what others will say or think,
Nor can we be controlled by other's opinions are talk of us.

We who desire to be chases down by both blessings and MIRACLES that never cease but only keep multiplying with our joyful smiles and laughter in spite of devils who seek and track us...
We must keep on keeping on singing regardless who is murmuring behind our backs.

As we heard in last Sunday's Gospel the Lord was not concerned of who what about who HE is...
And so shall we must be continuing to bless others with our smiles and songs...there will always be someone like our former next door neighbor Veronica on Alvin Callender Street when we with God were building our home...

She came outside yelling one day not able to understand how not even hers & her nephews hateful actions against us could not kill our spirits.

She came outside as I was singing new songs through joyful tears...tears that our neighbors were trying to stifle the rebuilding of our home.
What we had completed the day before our neighbors had punched holes into in the night...

But I sang new songs to the God above knowing HE who watches through the night from HIS throne up above not only saw the crimes against us in the night but had the power to restore not only that which the angry jealous locusts had stolen...

They who were filled with jealousy, anger and hate and have never been loved nor have loved themselves....
No different than the Ponchatoula local native neighbors who say out of one side of their mouth that they are going to build Ponchatoula into a thriving economic marketing business center, yet they tie up themselves in bondage that they cannot grow...

By shunning newcomers who choose to make Ponchatoula home!

No town or city will ever grow & prosper past the point they are today without welcoming new citizens not only physically into their neighborhoods, and into the community and church families.

Regardless how many families come and are shunned they will eventually move on in the same numbers or even more.

For every family and community has both sincere and insincere folks whom they call their own.

Those whose hearts are pure but were born within a thorny city among hateful tit-tat chatter boxes who love not...
Eventually these too will choose to move onto a better place where they will not be embarrassed by their previous associations whether blood or geographic.

No they will follow the lead of those who come full of life seeking to bless an entire community when they first arrived...but refuse to live an entire life time among grumblers and wishy -washy complainers.

As Joyce Meyer has taught over the years....one can choose to complain and remain and go around and around a same old mountain of a pill.
Or you & I and each of us can reach out and beyond our circumstances for another new dream...when others fight to long and hard resisting thy kindness and blessing...
As Jesus said:  "Shake of their dust and move on..."

Such cities will never grow but as Sodom & Gomorrah will be your town or city who shuns the hearts who of those who enter bearing kindness and generosity of their grateful loving hearts...
Such a town or city will never grow but die  from their own choices....their own deception...

The fruit never falls far from the tree and the selfish resentful hearts wither and never blossom but rather their self-righteousness they fatten and fluff and spread as an eagle spreads its wings...
Then they go around time gloating convincing themselves and each other that they together did a good thing.

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Thursday, June 20, 2013

We All Better Start Baring Each Other's Burdens With Love and Laying One's Own Life Down For.....Or...

As long as many men are glorifying their own bodies....whether building, bulking up their muscles with weights to compete...
Say for Mr. America contests...

Or simply to be the biggest man in town...

And women wearing tight vulgar clothes that actually reveal more of their exact curvatures than if they exposed their naked skin...

Our youngest sons through no fault of their own...but yours will become SEX driven and needy long before they would have even had interest in taking a girl on their first date!

And we would not have teenagers or their mothers killing teenagers over sexual desires...as sadly happened this year in Ponchatoula earlier this year!

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Friday, April 26, 2013

Poor Choices of Others on Ocassions Must Influence Our Choices: Fwd: Suspect in Ponchatoula death caught, wounded - FOX 8 WVUE New Orleans News, Weather, Sports

It is sad that this has happened.  And obviously this teen was mixed up with problems long ago within himself that sadly no one close to him either cared enough about him to lead him, befriend him long ago.
While we do not personally know either the family of the victim nor the 18 year old gunman, we grieve personally not only because the City of Ponchatoula is small enough that I think it is just about impossible to live here & have never at least greeted with a smile in passing along Downtown sidewalks or saying "Good morning" or exchange a cordial smile in grocery store with every member in this community at sometime or other.
Combine this that that this crime as many crimes was at least in part motivated or accelerated through Facebook before it was committed...with the fact my husband, The Carpenters Friend, who yearns to teach non-violent inmates Vocational Carpentry, has often been mis-represented...many erroneously think that we seek to rehabilitate hardened criminals...
This is false.
My husband will never go into classrooms with violent criminals such as this young teenager.
Had William met & known the family many years ago possibly if he had the same opportunity he had once in Connecticut when a church member's son after a break up with a girl friend or maybe she never would go out with him at all...
The teen like one of my brothers when he was turned down the first time he ever asked a girl for a date desired to kill himself
William knowing the boys father & entire family offered the teenage boy a job for at the time William owned a company that had enough business that he could take on a new employee.
William by taking personal interest in this teen over 3 decades ago...taking him to breakfast before work each day and not reading the paper while at the table but engaging in conversation letting him know that his interests, his goals and well being were and are important to him...
This young boy made a drastic turn in his outlook on life..
He opened up to my husband who was not my husband then...going back years in Williams memory before we met.
William simply paying him to sweep the wood shop daily after school &  teaching him carpentry and giving him direction...put hope in him.
And this family was saved from being broken.
I cannot say what this youth's life was like, what caused his inner problems that  this became the sad out come.
But this opens & proves that sadly most families today have at least one member who is out of touch out of sinc with the rest of the family who feels "They are not really part of the family" for whatever reason they feel inferior they do.
And it is these who are susceptible to fall into drugs and even tougher gangs and troubles.
Let us not only be prayerful for these wounded families here in Ponchatoula, but let us be vigilant and notice when one person especially youth may not be getting the attention he or she needs...and let us be the one who tries to be a friend to take interest.
God will always reward us...God will always make us more productive to multiply our time...God will never allow our own family to suffer when we invite someone else's lost child to join our own children & ourselves...
God always blesses the gesture of caring hearts...Let us care for our neighbors with acts of kindness.

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Warning To Everyone For When You Open New Online Accounts....Humorous Consequences That Can Make For More Dangerous Circumstances If Not Caught or Corrected...

Anyone who has known my husband William and I for any length of time know that for my first 49 years of iife that I had physical tunnel vision for real!!   Yes REALLY!
That I only saw a small portion of any one's faces at a time, and that I was raised as a sighted child because my parents would not acknowledge my challenges for they were ashamed of "who or what I was."
And that on the Feast of the Holy Family 2009 I received a Eucharistic MIRACLE in my eyes and have enjoyed given thanks & praise for nearly three and a half years of landscapes and full length drapes!
So I have done some amazing things for someone who literally at times could not see what was under her ow nose!
I graduated from Grace King High School without ever having read much with understanding.
To satisfy my mother I sat on my bed for hours just every once in a while turning a page....
But since what was printed in those books made no sense to me and I could not see...
That time was not wasted... for in my heart I was not in a chair at a desk nor was I lounged on my bed reading...
I was conversing with my Lord my God and your God...
I would ask HIM to fill my heart and mind with whatever I needed to know...to stay safe at home, school or on the school bus...
Walking down hills or through my neighborhood.
A friend who I had not been in touch with for quite some time sent me an invite to open a "  LinkedIN " account.
Happy to hear from her I did just that thinking I could take my time that there would be no hurry to build a resume for myself and at a future date possibly this could help me grow a licensed business with  income doing what I enjoy the most...free-motion embroidery, crochet and writing.
But what happened was as I opened this "Linked IN " account, I was interrupted.
And as always, I embraced my interruption... as you do too... 
Took care of whatever it was my husband need that time....
I do my share of asking him questions that too for him are not at the best timing...
It happens in all marriages in all kinds of friendships...
There is no fault placing here...  No anger or frustration but rather jovial laughter and entertainment...
Life is much easier when one can laugh at and with themselves...
But what happened since I did not stay with the program as I first began opening this Linked IN account was it automatically sent invitations to everyone who I ever wrote an email to from the first date I opened this email address.   And not only to these who I possibly only wrote once ever, some were business inquires that I never thought about again in over 5 years.
Other auto invitations went to folks who I never wrote but their email address was attached to one of those cutesy poems with pictures many just keep forwarding and forwarding over and over...certainly none of these I ever thought would one day show up as "CONNECTIONS"
And since I at times post to my blogs not signed into blogger but from my email as I am doing now...
Linked IN posted connection requests to my blogs for about a 5th time last night.
So instead of going into Blogger and removing those comical posts  "MrsStephanie............invites you to CONNECT"  from my blogs...
I am leaving Linked IN right there...
Instead I will post this on all of them...
And make a game of it...
But it could have serious consequence when an unsent invite is accepted by someone who is worse than unpleasant.
I HAVE CUT OF several CONNECTIONS....some without any explanation.
Check your email contact list for many email systems save all information as your potential contacts even though you do not routinely write email to them nor they to you.
And you can possibly also have your account hacked into through these odd seemingly insignificant addresses that seem not worth even giving time to DELETE!
But do it!  DELETE DELETE!
And when you open new accounts do not let systems access your contact lists, manually type the ones you want to communicate with the new account and you will have fewer headaches of             SPAM JAMS...
And you will not have to check your new account more often than you would have liked to to make certain you have no spying new connections...that maybe unsafe for you...
As happened to me!
But the Lord will always keep us free indeed with out needs HE cannot nor will not meet...
And when the devil does raise his head....
Whether a cyber spyer...a marriage divider...or simply folks who some how did not learn or remember from Kindergarten how to introduce themselves and ask others their names....
I guess till Jesus comes back there will be those who try to force themselves upon others instead..
When anyone is rude, crude, or  speaks with forked tongue...
Remember our Lord said to cut off the hand that causes us to sin...
Don't you wish that it was as easy to get rid of all of these....as pushing or clicking a DELETE BUTTON!

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Sunday, March 24, 2013

We All Can Get Tired or Weary of the "Same Ole Same Old Routine" But Each of Us Including you & I...

You and I can choose to rise above all things!  

Sometimes when the www....www... wait wait wait...upon the Lord is or I better say "seems" ridiculously too long...
And you are tempted to be irritated with God for HE did promise__________
to your heart!

How long can a person wait without serious discouragement?

I would say that it is different for each individual.

While routine can be good as for as having the same place of employment for example one rises at the same time each morning to get ready for.. and lies down at night for sleep at the same time each night to be fully rested before he or she begins his or her day...

When the same ole same old routine becomes lonely, boring and fails to have any substance but one feels dry and empty even if they are not someone who has wondered far from Almighty God...

Some are in Holy Mass early every single morning.

I am as I type this one, I am definitely preaching to myself.

For I am tired of having to move over and over again because of the wicked violations of our privacy every where we have rented.

God has promised us much....VERY MUCH and and it certainly I and my husband at times feel that HE....
GOD that is...is late delivering!

Well there have been many times I can recall God tried to make some of these deliveries...
But because my husband & I were worn down...I am looking back to specific examples of when God placed into our path a person whom God wanted to move through in our lives.

But in several instances when worn down both physically & mentally exhausted...
Either I...William or both of us...no different than Mary Magdeline did not recognize the Lord risen before HE ascended to HIS Father...

Remember she thought HE was the gardener???
We were crying out for bare necessities but recognized not the one who was ready to full fill our needs and ignored him thinking well...  I am not precisely sure what we thought...

But the point is that many do not even recognize God becoming God in the breaking of the bread within Holy Mass.

For if they truly recognize and ponder who HE is that they receive into their mouths & within their own bodies in Holy Mass...

They would not be chattering 90 miles per second immediately after Father gives his final blessing.

Many run out of the church even long before Father genuflects or bows at the altar & turns his back to the altar to exit the sanctuary...

Some do not even wait to this point but run out before he has even kissed the altar before walking around it to face it and genuflect before turning to lead all out!

What most do not realize is what their action says.

By racing to be the first one out even before the priest and the processional crucifix:
"Lord I will beat you there...I can get there without you...  I know my own way...Don't bother yourself...my way is better than yours!"

And so they live out that day and every other day that follows till the next Holy Mass they bother to fit into their schedules...
Their same ole same old poor choices wondering WHERE ARE YOU LORD?  WHY HAVE YOU NOT FIXED THIS YET?

But when they raced ahead of the Lord not only were they going so fast that they never saw or smelled the azaleas blooming in front of St Joseph's...

They had left the Lord behind themselves so they lost sight of HIM.
How can anyone....how can I hold God responsible for that which I have taken control?

It is easy to drift from "surrender" to "passive" to "presumption" which eventually becomes "DISASTER".

Then who would not expect....you & I both...  "Okay Lord you can clean up this mess now!"

But even right now in the midst of unpleasant circumstances that I am typing now to you, my readers around the world...

When I choose to look not at what is not yet...
Right now I am laying down the thoughts that dogged my mind and heart last night as I went to bed so early....
I said that I was too tired to stay up even another half hour...

I fell asleep maybe in 15 minutes and was wakened when a HOT RODING muffer-less vehicle sped through shaking this building...

With so many night life types of noises racing by outside I actually considered getting up but I knew that would just wear me down even more....

But finally not ear plugs...but once I gave up my "right" in my own heart & mind....
My right to be disgusted with God was laid down...I went into a very peaceful slumbering sleep...
In spite of  allergies due to our mattress being directly on the floor....

And now I am holding in my exuberance and desire to sing...
Just until my husband is awake and up...he was so patient & understanding last night...
I do not want to wake him.

Sometimes...we rise higher and and much more is accomplished...when we do not look at what needs doing...
But keep our eyes on the Son.

Keeping our eyes focused on HIM alone...we are not seeing our messes nor distresses...
It becomes easier to sing new songs all day long...
And we trade our frustration and pain for HIS joy and laughter...and any disasters that may exist within our midst our not our responsibility to solves when HE is in front of us leading us from the driver's seat.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Today I'm "Flippin" Joy!

Last year before my husband & I temporarily shook Louisiana dust for Mionnesotta breezes that were not yet freezin...
I opened an email that apeared to be from a friend I knew well & love much.
And just has happened to most computing folks in this world at least once....
Hummmmmmmmmmm  a wormy germ got into my computer callrd "Flipora!"
Well my computer had fallen when my husband opened our side door along our journey through Arkansas...
WalMart parking lot along Hwy 71 to be exact...
My screen cracked and so getting rid of the "Flipora" became a concern no more...
Until Saturday when my Dawlin replaced my screen.
Today I went to my Norton Security & chatted with technician...and she who was in Arkansas....did such a wonderful job of not only getting rid of the wormy bug....but kindly educated me too..."Flipping joy to you...that you need not let anything make you blue...
But sing, give thanks for what is not yet...
And the Lord up above who sits upon the throne watching & waiting to hear HIS Holy Word sung with just a mustard dustin of trustin Faith & Love...
That HE may make your dreams that you sing become reality!
MIRACLES that is will follow & chase you down....
No chance to frown or be down when you are singing dreams into reality...
SMILE!!!  Sing!!
Monkeys Do what monkeys hear and see!
What are they seeing you do?

CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th

CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th


We Can't Get Enough of Her!!!

EstherStephanada Meet Two NEW FRIENDS!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU
From Kanapolis NC K&W