Anyone can succumb to sickness...circumstance...
Many allow themselves to be controlled or manipulated!
It takes great FAITH, determination and courage to not go with the flow of those who compromise standards, moral values to support the agenda of the sinful majority to not find themselves alone holding up high...what all know is The Truth... The Ten Commandments, protecting life itself in the womb and the fragile sick and elderly!
If we let ourselves get caught up within the mud of lies that over ride the silent majority...
We are actually more guilty than the evil ones who oppress us...
So let us who have the right, the authority and responsibility to use HIS Name to overcome the enemy...Let us be silent no more...
But open our mouths publicly...and in writing in newspapers, and online blogging!
Let us together fight for life and for justice of the poor and silent no more majority...
Let us write our governors, senators, congressmen & women both Federal, state & local officials and press them to vote for life and put and end to spending our money on outrageous research and on abortion, euthanasia.
Our Lord said that if we deny HIM, HE will deny us before HIS Heavenly Father...So if we fight for righteousness...
HE will reward us!
Praying for you & with you!
Praying for each of you. Watch "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song
(complete)" on YouTube
5 years ago