Sunday, July 31, 2011

When The Ites Try To Bite...You Can Contol Their Appetite!

We can choose to not let the news of some make us glum....
Just the same we can SING HIM Praise when the its of all kinds come biting!

First we must make sure we belong to the only true KIngs of KIngs and we have no unrepentive sins were holding onto self-justifying...

When we have confessed any and all our sins and living a holy & pure life with, through and for HIM...

We have then the authority to speak HIS HOLY NAME with power at any minute or hour when any hell ...    bounded one tries to make a break at your expense...

Accuse and cast him out forever in Jesus Name..play no games with pain for Jesus was not beaten to pieces for nothing...but HE suffered and died that we can IN & THROUGH HIM...Rise above...

HE bore the shame of our pain...So open your mouth and rejoice!

No one receives healing and miracles just sitting around quietly waiting for them...

We must be imitators of Almighty GOD who as in Issaiah is sitting on HIS Holy Throne watching, listening for you & I Singing HIS Holy Words about our dreams with the vision of Jeremiah....

So Sing Sing Sing...Like I do..   I see my friends no longer dragging...I see them...instead Dancing!   Dancing and a Singing...HIS phone constantly jingling from the New tunes sung with Joyful voices......

Hallaluia Hallalu....Oh how I Love YOU LORD..YOU have rescued me...freed my heart and body from all pain...    Walking without being weary I do...Running never fainting for true!

Your healing power flowing over ...through and back out of me into all folks I ever meet...for YOU OH LORD it is true...YOU LOVE me more than I could ever love you...YOU loved me first from my birth and YOU LIFT me higher and higher upon your fire....

Amen Amen Amen...  I will never be in pain again...I thank YOU OH GOD MY GOD MY LORD!

The Ites will never bite anymore!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Regardless What You & I Are Required To Perform...

We accomplish greater things when we do them not begrudgingly but with charm....

There are no limits how far we can fly...Higher and Higher upon HIS FIRE...

When we not only sound but answer all alarms with charm and joy embrace all things that ever befall us.

We can choose to be blue by focusing on things that are half empty...or we can not only choose to not come unglued and see them as "Half FULL..."

We can take the initiative to FILL THEM UP...until their cups overflow and their saucers they must drink and slurp...

Share and pass along to each one who comes along and soon and very soon you shall find...
It makes no difference what or how things are accomplished...just that we embrace all things and folks with love and ambition....

As our FAITH sends us out on new missions we did not even take the time to ask for...
Simply embrace and fly upon HIS wings allowing HIM to do all things....

We simply get to go along for the flight that is never over...but keeps overflowing higher and higher through our generous hearts lit with HIS FIRE...

Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Without wholesome marriage... Defend or not to Defend Marriage...Who shall we obey?? Presidents..or Almighty GOD!]

----------------------------Have Been an Esther Lately?
Here is Your Opportunity to Be An Esther Or a Jacob...
Open Your Mouth Now When it Matters More Than Ever Before!

Without wholesome marriage.... Defend or not to Defend Marriage...Who
shall we obey?? Presidents..or Almighty GOD!

We are always well, even when the enemy is trying to kill us.... When he
Lord Himself is before us...leading us...we are following HIM
And nearly...

And by the Authority of our baptism...Speaking out everything HE Writes on
our hearts to speak...as Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and St Peter and St
Paul before us...
> As Mother Angelica encouraged on every program...
> We are ALL Called to be great Saints...So lets NOT MISS this marvelous
> opportunity on this new day our Lord has made!
> Defend or not to Defend Marriage...Who shall we obey...Presidents..seated
> in high places...Or ALMIGHTY GOD!!
> With VISION like Jeremiah... I see many many MARTYRS Dieng and being
> Are you in this number?
> I AM!
> For this I have been born...All of us have!!!
> Whether a man woman or child knows it or not... FOR this all have been
> born...born to live...and give witness...To Love Honor Obey and Follow
> ...Thou who has made all...You Me and They!
> Amen Amen And Alleluia!!!

EstherStephanada!l be Esthers and Jacobs too!

And you like me and Lori here of MADD...shall be Esthers and Jacobs too!

>> lori.browm@madd.org
Please join us at Walk like MADD 2011 in Charlotte

>> [image: MADD's signature walk event] *Special thanks to:* [image:
>> Presenting Sponsor State Farm] [image: Inkind sponsor Jarritos]
>> Dear Mrs, Mr...Sons and Daughters!
>> You are invited to MADD North Carolina's annual 5K Walk like MADD on June
>> 11 at Freedom Park! We would love to have your continued support as we
>> fight to eliminate drunk driving in North Carolina.
>> Since MADD was founded, we've helped save almost 300,000 lives. Now we
>> can see a future without drunk driving -- a future where cars
themselves can
>> be the cure to drunk driving -- and where parents have the tools to keep
>> their kids alcohol-free. We'd like you to celebrate with us as we "Walk
>> MADD" to raise funds and awareness of the bright future ahead.
>> We hope you, your family, friends and coworkers will join us for good
>> times and good work. There are several ways to join the fun:
>> - Walk with us, either forming your own walk
>> joining an existing
>> as an individual
>> - Become a virtual
help by walking with us in spirit.
>> - Help support MADD North Carolina without
>> The Walk Like MADD event helps us continue our support of those affected
>> by drunk driving. With your continued support, we know we will have a
>> future, saving lives and changing lives for the better.
>> Thank you again for your friendship. I hope to see you on June 11 at our
>> Walk like MADD event.
>> Thanks,
>> Lori Brown
>> MADD North Carolina
>> PS. If you have no interest in walking or raising funds by being a virtual
>> walker, but still want to help, you can still donate to MADD
>> Thank you again!
>> PPS. Special thanks to our National Presenting Sponsor of Walk like MADD,
>> State Farm Insurance, for their support of MADD and our mission!
>> MADD National Office | 511 E. John Carpenter Frwy. Suite 700 | Irving, TX
>> 75062
>> You are signed up as *estherstephanadacan@gmail.com* to receive updates
>> from MADD.
>> Change your email preferences
>> »<http://support.madd.org/site/CO?i=f0zrSWDUr4qYbTJSrj1g7QJZYXpmmmQ4&cid=0>

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Use Catholic Online Webmail to proclaim your faith to the world.

CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th

CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th


We Can't Get Enough of Her!!!

EstherStephanada Meet Two NEW FRIENDS!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU
From Kanapolis NC K&W