Friday, December 14, 2012

Anyone Who Insists On Being Vulgar In Their Dress, Language or Behavior ....Can Expect to Be Caught On Camera and Become The Latest Uncovered Vilan On THe World-Wide Blogs

William & I have been thoroughly amused at the crazy behaviors of those who cut themselves loose...
Simply hilariously funny all that we had been folks do in both the Bohnigs and Winn-Dixie parking lots to catch a glimpse of the couple everyone is talking about...
He walks her in and asks for a sample which he blesses and breaks and shares with her.  Then orders either only 2 or 4 slices of low salt turkey or occasionally ham...
with a deli salad and a sack of rolls...unless they bought the rolls the night before.
They like to hear my dearest call me:  "My Sweetie-Pie" as he tenderly protectively walks me through the parking lot to our van shielding arrogant male gaukers from approaching me with their hands.
But these men & women who wish to have us as friends...they must change how they dress first before we will ever entertain conversation...
Instead of introducing themselves from a natural distance of a few feet away...
They have forced their way by confrontation...
Mary Ernst tried bull dozing us over with her shopping cart in the Bohnigs Super-Market and the big giant RED-Headed Roly-Poly always dressed in royal purple...at least one of her garments... has tried backing over me with her metallic colored small car.....more times than I am able to keep tract of....
But her venomous attacks come only once a week before the 5PM Vigil Mass!
I can understand why she is full of such rage...
She set her self up to be grumpy always by driving a vehicle that which the roof or ceiling is not tall enough for her.
She's a big big chunky woman...TALL but her gigantic abdomen weighs her UHGggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...
Actually dragging her upper body down several inches crunching over her stomach...
Honestly....I am surprised she can rise up to or for any occasion at all...
But why she didn't buy herself a taller car...
But frustrates herself even more each time she ever goes out doors.
I cannot ever imagine her choosing to walk instead of drive and ride....
Soon and very soon....she and the rest...if they change not their aggressive revengeful behavior against us or against any one within our presence they will eventually be caught on EstherStephanada's Camera!
And the only mercy they will be shown is to made the "Uncovered Villain on the BLOGS 5, 6, or 10PM NEWS"
Cameras ROLL'N

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Our Words and Actions Do Matter Always...We Create Our Enviroment Ourselves....So Never Complain to Anyone But Yourself!

Regardless what your circumstances are...
For many things are out of our control.
We can accept that which we cannot change while choosing to speak only kind words that do not divide but lift high and heal...
Pure kind words that heal body soul and mind regardless how snoody and grumpy a rough stiff-necked one is to you you cany-can -can stead of returning his our her own jealous hardboiled..carborator chewing vulgarity back.
You can simply say as I have to such a prune:  "Sory you feel so bad...hope your better soon!"
But never let such a snot drag you down from the clouds where you have flown upon HIS Holy Wings of fire...
Remember every man woman and child was created in the unique image of Almighty God and each one was given the ability to love...for love is what we were created for....and let not those who refuse to receive your love and return it...never let one of these grumpy grump bumps an a log get you down.
Tell them to wear blue without being blue..that if you do in spite of their behavior towards you....then they can wear blue without being blue or stewed and can change their grumps to a cheery mood and be included more often any where any time...
For a cheerful love giving one without an angry jealous spirit...
Is always more than welcomed but always sought after for their joy & laughter not only instantly fills any room...
But spills out into each one who in turn spills and spreads it in just as many directions an all have much affection for such a one who choose to never be blue nor let any lemon sour-graper
poison their dispostion, but rather simply blesses their day and moves onto meet and greet those who walk in shoes of peace and never folly.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Your Enemies and Mine Will Evaporate Before Our Eyes When You Stand Righteously Forgiving Without Waiting For Others to Apologize

You and I cany-can-can be all that God created us to be which is far greater than yours or my most dramatic imagination.
We all in union with HIM can do impossible things like I am actually typing blogs for Almighty God but actually all I do is flow with HIS spirit that directs my paths within my being.

 I really cannot take credit for any of it.....  much of it I do not even fully understand myself.
You and each one you have ever met or I have ever met was created to do the same.
When HE anoints me & directs me to do something...I try to be immediately obedient and y hands fly faster n the keys than my mind can keep up at times.
So if I took credit for what HE does through me...I would surely shrivel up and die.
For it is HE who is within me...who has already overcome the world of disease and hardships that sin brought into a perfect world....that dispelled or infected what was good and pure which is what sickness and abnormalities from God's original plan and design are...defined.
Blessings as these which at times can feel more difficult than a challenge...only feel such when you or  when questioned by someone who: "Does not know what he or she is asking?" 


I can slip just as you can if you or I actually try to to answer such a question that is a mystery to all except for God Himself...

So look out do not let yourself get trapped by such trickery hat can be found on examination papers.
Remember when you were studying in school which  did not actually graduate as most students do or should...
I was given lots and lots of "Extra Credit" projects by every high school teacher I ever had...so that I would not still be their on my 30th, 40th 50th birthday with the youth that are there at Grace King High School in Metairie Louisiana today...  And...that's the truth..but lets not go there.
Keep on smiling in the face of the enemy and he will dissolve and evaporate for you before your eyes!
For HE who is in you is not only in front of you clearing your way...but behind you defending you from your jealous enemies who are crude, rude and desire your end...or death...for anyone studying for HIS Holy Priesthood...he the devil actually fears!
The devil is the biggest coward that ever was....for when he committed the first sin in all creation....God cast him down!
So the only tactic the enemy of God has in his hand is wielding your fears that he observes in you against yourself.
God's Holy Word declares that perfect love casts out all fear.  So when ever you feel afraid f anything...
Ask yourself:  Who do I need to forgive?
For perfect love never holds in bondage of unforgiveness anyone...not forgiving each one who offends you in both a minor or serious way...not merely hurts the relationship between yourself and this person who hurt you....but holding grudges or anger hurts both God and they self.
For offense of any kind holds both you and others in bondage...and only when one forgives even before the accused, accuser, or attacker asks for forgiveness do you or I prevent bondage causing fear to grab onto our hearts.

God is the one doing all things for us...we simply get to go along with HIM for HIS ride upon HIS Holy eagles wings of fire....

What HE does through me and for me...HE will do for you...so never be blue but wear blue instead...
Joy & happiness is a choice we must choose...and HE the Master of all life offers you and all of us IS very best..we can choose less but HE hope we will not....but if you already have chosen and accepted far less than you and every human being was created to be and receive...

You can choose better and HIS very best this time...
But first you must surrender and lay down what you have...cut off that which binds you...

And when you do...you will not come unglued...HE will mold and fashion you into what you could have been before you had chosen less...but now that you have turned away from sin & promise to never shift from HIS truth again...

You my friend in with and through and for HIM cany-can-can do all things in through & for HIM the source of your being and mine...

It all boils down to this...passing through the furnace of correction that HE can mold you & i to HIS perfection...and we cannot take credit for what we become...

We can only rejoice singing HIM praise giving all Glory and honor to HIM the King of Kings with our hearts always kneeling!

Monday, November 26, 2012

How is it That Most Christians Even Catholics....Divide Themselves Against Each Other?

Each and everyone born on earth of a woman was created by God to be a vessel of HIS love to others and flowing back through and into HIM as HE then creates beautiful wonders in and through everyone.
But not even Almighty God can perform this when people cut themselves off by their strange show-offy peculiar acts or stunts.....instead of walking up to the person they admire and desire with all their heart to have and share friendship with.
And our Holy Mother Catholic Church at least in this country even divides herself with requiring "Catholic Parish Registration."
Recall Saint Paul had heard that the new Christians in the areas which his disciples had gone out preaching and teaching the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ to...were now distinguishing themselves from one another.  Actually dividing their own body...for as Christians they like we living today....each of you reading this right now...
Whether you have asked our Lord Jesus to come into your life yet, whether you have been catechized in the Faith of HIS Holy Catholic Church...our you are a Christian but not yet a Catholic.... you still are even if you do not know it have been created by God to know love & serve HIM.
The essence of Christianity is that we are not our own but were created by God to serve God through serving one another.
No one is an island.  What we do and what ever we say regardless where we are does not just affect oneself....but affects each person who hears us or is presence to witness our actions regardless if our actions are pure and kind and merciful as HE is...
And even the selfish hateful acts of the haughty jealous angry ones painfully affect those who see and hear such witness.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Aunt Joan Carroll Cruz, Catholic author, has been called home....has died.

Aunt Joan in all difficult situations within my father's house as I grew up taught me about the               Princess Saint Dymphna, daughter of a mentally deranged King who was physically as beautiful as her mother the Queen and how Saint Dymphna maintained her purity of heart with the challenges of an abusive father and always encouraged me to be courageous as she was in spite of all the challenges I had growing up as my father's daughter who when he looked at me saw his own mother who he still holds accountable in her grave for his childhood and life.

Sad how so many choose spiritual bondage instead Freedom!!  So many like my father, several uncles and brothers have swallowed the devil's lie that it is dishonorable to have ever made mistakes or have sinned therefore one cannot confess and so their memory gets on overload trying to remember all of the lies they have td in order to not contradict themselves.  So to be safe and try to avoid contradiction....Dad simply denies ever haven taken us to parks, or camping nor any of the other things that my heart has ever cherished.

So, although he had photos out of us taken in parks...I could not honor him by telling him the good things I learned from him then & still remember that I have passed onto my husband as we are camping now...

Like...when I cnsidered the lantern to heavy to carry...it hurt to carry it & I said at 10 years old or so: "Don't wanna cawy...heavy and besides...I don't see any better with it than without it."

Dad sad:  "You don't carry a lantern so that you can see, but so others driving cars see you!"

And so in parks that have lights at night I carry my lantern anyway to honor my father...but he could not receive that honor in his heart for he declared: "I NEVER TOOK YOU TO ANY PARKS"  when we visited on June 5, 2012.

Praying for you Dad....that you before die....come back home to the Lord....to the Catholic Church and receive forgiveness and the peace which surpasses all understanding!   You won't have to keep your memory so sharpened and you'll be able to relax and have fun for real.... www.catholicscomehome.org

 The FREEDOM that is God's best that Jesus said each one of us can have but we must on purpose choose...To choose God's best that HE yearns to give each one...we must lay down our self-righteousness through sacramental cnfession...repentance. 

Forwarded conversation
Subject: Aunt Joan Carroll Cruz, Catholic author, has been called home....has died.

From: Mrs Stephanie Carroll Gustavson
Date: Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 7:38 PM

Through out my entire life from memories of my tiniest days....Aunt Joan was the only person I ever knew well who loved tenderly, forgivingly....loved perfectly always. From those youngest days I recall her eyes were always very sad.  She truly suffered much heart ache her entire life...she a true suffering servant

Forwarded conversation
Subject: AUNT JOAN

Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 6:45 PM

Dear Stephanie , We are sorry that we have some sad news. Aunt Joan passed away today Oct.20th at around 3:pm.She had heart surgery on Oct:17 to replace a valve, but it was also found that an artery had to be repaired. She recovered some, but the strain on her   heart was finally too much. We are glad we were able to see her often after we retired. This is very sad for us.  Hope you and William are doing alright .                                                                                              LOVE,MOM                        
From: Mrs Stephanie Carroll Gustavson
Date: Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 2:04 PM
To: Betty Carroll

Thank you Mother.
No one told us she was going to have surgery.
October 17, 2007 was William's tumor surgery.
This was exactly how Aunt Elba died.
God always takes care of William & I.
Love & Prayers,

From: Godfrey Beni Date: Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 1:47 AM
To: Mrs Stephanie Carroll Gustavson

May her soul, through the mercy of God, rest in eternal peace.
Our true home is in heaven, and Jesus Christ whose return we long for
will come from heaven to save us(Phil 3:20).

On 10/22/12, Mrs Stephanie Carroll Gustavson
> Through out my entire life from memories of my tiniest days....Aunt Joan
> was the only person I ever knew well who loved tenderly,
> forgivingly....loved perfectly always. From those youngest days I recall
> her eyes were always very sad.  She truly suffered much heart ache her
> entire life...she a true suffering servant
> Stephanie
> Forwarded conversation
> Subject: AUNT JOAN
> ------------------------
> Date: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 6:45 PM
> To: EstherStephanada
> Dear Stephanie , We are sorry that we have some sad news. Aunt Joan passed
> away today Oct.20th at around 3:pm.She had heart surgery on Oct:17 to
> replace a valve, but it was also found that an artery had to be repaired.
> She recovered some, but the strain on her   heart was finally too much. We
> are glad we were able to see her often after we retired. This is very sad
> for us.  Hope you and William are doing alright .
> ----------

Monday, September 10, 2012

How is it that the spiritually educated who lead us cannot accept that not all souls God has created will be in heaven? Why can't they recognize God's Wrath?

Recently in obedience to God I began a few new blogs to address harsh bitter attitudes that in the past lived among us, but were then the minority of society and usually they became the outcast.
But sadly today it is the opposite...the brash, hateful, unkind, harsh ones are the majority and when they encounter true kindness as Mother Teresa once wrote in a poem...  They do not understand why anyone would love them....so they return hostility and hatred for the love they had hoped and possibly prayed to receive...
But their brash hardness of heart pushes away those who seek only to love them and be loved by them...
Then they say that there is no God for a God who loves would have answered my prayers.
And thus God's Holy Word is full filled again...  "The sighted will be made blind and the blind will see!"  Do You See What I see???
Here is one sample response I have received from one of many religious order members who reads my blogs and other writings.
And below her response is the original

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 11:41 AM, <sister> wrote:


From: Mrs Stephanie Carroll Gustavson
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 3:48 PM

Hallo friends...I trust you all are okay after Isaac as we are....storms come to wash & cleanse the land of hate, sin that wicked or even those who consider themselves Christian but refuse to shake some form of Idolatry or sinfulness.
So I believe all of you are safe as we continue to be.  In actuality storms come for the sake of HIS righteous ones who seek HIM with all their heart from morning till dark.....to wash away anything that does not belong in a Christian or Catholic's life.

Love you all,

Not many, not even Church leaders want to preach the Truth boldly anymore!
They fear the rise of out rage of whose toes their words will convict.
But as Mother Angelica on her programs which began airing on EWTN in the 1980's always said:  "We are all called to be great saints...Don't miss the opportunity!" 
And as a small child in the 1960's I was told that I would be a great saint one day....and I had the Faith to say:  "Whatever YOU say Lord!!! You KNOW EVERYTHING!"
Saints can never be silent...for by definition Saints are those who are bold to stand up for the weak, the poor and the trampled upon that no one else either cares about.
Saints are also the ones who refuse to talk focus on what they cannot do themselves or what they do not have and in spite of those who try to stop them focus on what God can and promises to do for them and through them regardless how many angry letters they receive...
Some so angry that they send through postal mail and do not sign them!
Saints are willing risk their lives for their own spouse, sister or brother in FAITH that HE will rescue them both...
and endure the hate and rejection of those who do not love, honor and cherish their own husband or wife as we do.
Today in a society where priests actually allow men & women to wear very tight vulgar fitting clothing on the altar reading the scripture readings of the day, creating a conflict of conscience within the hearts of anyone who tries to keep their thoughts absolutely pure...
More saints are needed to stand and speak up and let the heads and bodies roll where ever they may roll to...
And don't get frightened when they yell, scream, rant or rave that you have corrected them!
Let them squirm and squeal!!
When enough of us who want to remain pure while participating in Holy Mass press our Pastors to choose someone else to read who is addressed appropriately when a lector shows up in vulgar or revealing clothing...
It will happen!
And styles worn will change and become more modest.
But only if folks like you and me join and speak up!
So today write a letter to your pastor and let him know... and even better you can bring a petition to your pastor after having as many as you can from your community to sign it!
Friends go forth now and dare to live saintly....as all of us were created to be great saints...lets not miss this opportunity!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our Words Always Matter...For Every Word We Speak is Either Building or Tearing Down Something Good & Pure... Our Anger Could Be Building the Dominion of the Evil One WE are Complaining of and do not Even REalize It!

Regardless where you and I are on any given day...each one of us are building contractors building something near us and far away...as far as our words travel each day!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Have You Ever Been Somewhere Where Everyone Talks Too Loudly...Even Yells Routinely?? It's Called Arrogance Whether They Know It Or Not!

Arrogance appears in society in many forms and not just in those committing crimes.  And you can be an Esther when you refuse to allow anyone to speak to you disrespectfully whether they refuse to call you by your name instead of:: "Hey guys!"  Or especially if they speak directly at you yelling....simply by ignoring them you can really change their attitude and behavior.

Just today my Darling and I visited the Hammond Louisiana Senior Center where we both actually still are at right now in their computer lab after lunch has been served, eaten and the arrogant big mouths are now gone...most ride the van that picks many regulars up from their homes and drive them home also after the morning fun and meal is over.

Though for my William & I and some of the regulars who have admitted to me hating the loud volume of yelling...many seniors who are able to cook for themselves continue to go anyway because they do not like being home alone.

When these persons refuse to respond to anyone who does not speak to them in a normal calm low not quiet voice...simply without yelling...

When such persons refuse to sit with noisy ones....and correct them as they get up and leave.
My William & I observed one African American man today who was the object of another African American man's nasty language spoken at high volumes stand up and leave.

The African man still remaining at the table was left without someone to take his nasty abuse..this man grumbled a bit but not for long, for others also moved from his table to another and his loud arrogance was muffled to a sour low mumble.

This man who knew what and who was worth holding onto and who was simply not...
He knowing when to walk away and when to run was noticed by us who sat far on the opposite side of a very large dining area.

If my husband were to see this man who was leading in a quiet humble way, in another public  place on another day...
I know my husband if he were to recognize him would respect this honorable man...and would enjoy quiet conversation with him if the opportunity were to happen....

Where all these who greeted us upon our entry with loud "How Ya doin's"...from them we RUN Fast the other way.

So many hungry for friendship but know one knows how to be gentle & kind.

Because so many forms of arrogance have become so prevalent and common every where possibly imaginable, many are suckered into sinful living even though they do not want to be.
Sometimes this habit is formed so as to be noticed saying with one's volume rather than with words:  "Look at me...I am important.
Ironically all who speak much louder than necessary are actually hungry for friends....hungry for your friendship...
hungry for our friendship.

How unusual it is but true that all of these only yearn for our friendship may never realize that they would have received our friendship had they spoken gently, softly and kind.

Though we explained this to several loud ones we wonder if it will actually sink into their minds that they can calm down and receive that that they yearn for most.
 Whether you are a a woman young or old;
A man old or young....you too can be an Esther or a Jacob too when you require others to speak respectfully and kindly to you as you also likewise in turn speak respectively and kindly to them in normal soft tone of voice instead of raising your volume to theirs.
Whether an Esther or a Jacob, never discount your influence to change society from living in prisons of their own making...at one function at a time.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Regardless What Kind of Strange Circumstance or Sickness the Enemy Sends Our Way....

No matter what the enemy sends our way...GOD yearns to give us a much better day!
And it is when each of us both you and I purposely choose not to fear nor come unglued...
But  imitate Almighty God as we each were created to...
And as Oral Roberts taught on television long ago....
See the invisible and then do the impossible!
For when we choose to look through Jeremiah eyes... seeing what is not yet and singing praises for our greatest desires and dreams long before they exist...
Almighty God gets exited witnessing our Faith in HIM HE starts creating for us...MIRACLES!!!
MIRACLES are available for anyone who asks expecting to receive....with heir hearts always kneeling and singing new songs onto thee.

And when you or I embrace whatever befalls us with Faith and refuse to be blue regardless what storms come through...
Wear blue instead even when your told that due to lack of funds your employment position is being cut,
 And even when the floods come and wash away much...

When your eyes and heart remain in, with and through HIM...
You will return to your dwelling and find nothing amiss...
Because your heart and ours keep  kneeling, HE keeps us free without needs that HE can't or won't meet....
And the devil under our feet!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th

CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th


We Can't Get Enough of Her!!!

EstherStephanada Meet Two NEW FRIENDS!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU
From Kanapolis NC K&W