No matter what the enemy sends our way...GOD yearns to give us a much better day!
And it is when each of us both you and I purposely choose not to fear nor come unglued...
But imitate Almighty God as we each were created to...
And as Oral Roberts taught on television long ago....
See the invisible and then do the impossible!
For when we choose to look through Jeremiah eyes... seeing what is not yet and singing praises for our greatest desires and dreams long before they exist...
Almighty God gets exited witnessing our Faith in HIM HE starts creating for us...MIRACLES!!!
MIRACLES are available for anyone who asks expecting to receive....with heir hearts always kneeling and singing new songs onto thee.
And when you or I embrace whatever befalls us with Faith and refuse to be blue regardless what storms come through...
Wear blue instead even when your told that due to lack of funds your employment position is being cut,
And even when the floods come and wash away much...
When your eyes and heart remain in, with and through HIM...
You will return to your dwelling and find nothing amiss...
Because your heart and ours keep kneeling, HE keeps us free without needs that HE can't or won't meet....
And the devil under our feet!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!
And when you or I embrace whatever befalls us with Faith and refuse to be blue regardless what storms come through...
Wear blue instead even when your told that due to lack of funds your employment position is being cut,
And even when the floods come and wash away much...
When your eyes and heart remain in, with and through HIM...
You will return to your dwelling and find nothing amiss...
Because your heart and ours keep kneeling, HE keeps us free without needs that HE can't or won't meet....
And the devil under our feet!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!