Sunday, September 22, 2013

Your Words Too Are Causing Yourself Aggrevation Since You Have Never Taken The Time To Learn The True Root Meaning Of Common Words Everyone Speaks To Each Other

Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 9:19 AM
All people are both sponges that most remember what they heard well enough that when they hear it again in another place under new circumstances it sounds and feels familiar and that familiarity gives them comfort even if they know the words repeated in their conversation really mean something much different than how society uses these sames words today.
And they go about their own personal days not thinking about it whatsoever.
But: "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, My people...my sisters and brothers...sons and daughters... you do onto ME!
"Did you feed the hungry ones who I sent to live among you...to show you that life need not be so complicated...that if you love each other without measure never being concerned of what the next day or hour will bring...
That My joy that always completes all things will never stop flowing but only keeps growing and multiplying as you give and share it more and more generously.
Had yo fed them and received them into your hearts your concerns that tie your heart and mind at all times you would have lost...
For within those who really know ME...are at peace indeed without needs that I cannot or will not meet as I keep the devils under their feet.
Those who remain in ME with ME and through ME I Myself do all things for them,
For their lives are lives of total surrender and they merely ride upon My eagles wings from one adventure of challenges into and through still more storms one or more at once at times...
But they lose not heart for they are one in ME and they do not try to force things to work together as though they think they should.
For by giving ME and only ME the credit for all things accomplished in and through them...
They also do not try to take responsibility for the outcome in things they had no control....nor attempted to take charge of...
Their peace, tranquility, solace and freedom comes from not concerning themselves about circumstances for they know I AM not limited by them even though mankind who have not yet chosen to be one of Mine are...
They bind themselves with added limitations with their cocky faddish copy-cat vocabulary though they know it not.
Only you Stephanada have I given this knowledge, and I AM depending upon you to teach them this which I AM and I have been and will continue to teach you."
So in the spirit of remaining one in HIM..obeying each of the many commands HE gives me as HE directs me in HIS paths of righteousness through trails of challenges and trials many by fire with the only water HIS Holy Words with which HE places inside of me...
I ask you today to actually listen to the words that you naturally say...
Often over and over again.  Some words HE has told me to strike from my vocabulary and teach others to do the same will surprise you for often they are the salutation of letters from fine individuals who have been raised into high positions of both esteem and responsibility including heads of  states, nations and corporations.
Have you ever received a letter that opens with the following greeting?
I am writing...."
Hello is a greeting from the evil one though I found some other origins people will remember.   See:    http://hotword.dictionary.com/hello/
What they have written only touches the surface.
And what I share with you now that I will be held accountable for by God Almighty Himself if I were to not write clearly that you may understand.
Whether you work on your vocabulary changing words such as "hello" which is the word:  "hell" with an "OOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" tacked the end to greet your friends & neighbors by saying "hallo" which comes from "hallowed"  "hallowed by the Holy Name of God Our Father" and we are all called to imitate God our Father and so if we really do reflect who HE is within ourselves...our names too will be hallowed because we are pure vessels of HIM spreading HIM to all we meet along each and every street HE ever places along.
Whether you make the conscious choice to honor God with your words or continue as you have through your life this far only you can decide.
When you decide to follow and serve Jesus with your tongue...your spoken words that will honor God when you purposely choose to...
Let not your heart be troubled if your tongue goes into it's old patterns.
Use each moment that this naturally happens to out loud tell God you are sorry correct your self to who ever you were conversing and teach them what you have learned and how you have consciously purposely chosen to alter your vocabulary and why and encourage them to also.
God will richly reward you because you have chosen to do this for the purpose of honoring HIM in a way that will transform not only your own life but the lives of each one to whom you ever speak to or even merely in front of.
Your words will inspire and cause both yourself and others to be raised even higher and you too will be Esthers & Jacobs too!
Amen Amen Amen!  And Alleluia!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I Trust That All Of You Are Walking Without Being Weary & Running Without Fainting??? If Not...It Is Time To Start!

Are you walking without getting weary??  Are you running without fainting?  Are you laying your hands on the sick expecting them to be healed and seeing them do the same?

For if you  are not...your minds are playing games with you...for you can be and should be if you are in Jesus Christ greater things than HE did HE proclaimed that you & I shall do....

Do you believe HIM?  Or will you by your doubt call HIM a liar?

When we berry up others burdens in the heart of Christ Jesus....we can become world changers!

For each one with their own choices create the world within they live....your choices and mine can always either make worse or create far better circumstances for ourselves and our neighbors.

For it is impossible for our Lord to lie without ceasing to be Himself...and so anything HIS Holy Word says that we can, or will do...it is merely a personal choice to start doing!

Have you yet  begun to lay your hand's on the sick while expecting them to instantly be healed?

For Jesus Christ while preaching & teaching HIS Holy Gospels said to the apostles hen they were in shock & awe over a shrivelled up dead tree that Jesus had cursed:

"Greater things than these you shall do in My Name!!"

So our dear Lord is at the right hand of the Father...His Father and your Father and my Father too....

And so therefore sisters and bothers...mothers and fathers and each one whom you know with whom you share this message...

Start doing now what you never did before...
Not that you could not....but you would not...

For you never took our Lord's Words personal enough.

What HE said to HIS apostles and to others then...

Jesus says now to you, to each priest, sister, mother and brother to each human being born on earth of any woman under the sun of the son.

It is false humility to live not expecting God to create even more extraordinary  MIRACLES than HE did...

Because HE expects us to receive and do all that HE said we were to do:

So as you begin your day greeting Him with new songs singing aloud as you dress and have breakfast before journeying down the roads and byways...inviting the poor and lame and the afraid to come along with you... to Holy Mass...and receive HIM in Eucharist...

And those who are not even Catholic...will by their presence invite Jesus into their hearts for HE Himself will draw them into Himself.

Then filled with HIM...strengthen even more for whatever this new day will bring...

Go out now and lay hands on the sick and weary...the ones who are just a bit woosey oppressed by demonic spirits of heaviness and open your mouth and say: 

 "In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ spirit of Heaviness be gone to the foot of the Cross  in Jesus Name and remain!

And be made whole in Jesus Name...and never be the same!

Deaf dumb spirits, & spirits of infirmity I order you to the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ by the authority of my baptism in Jesus' Holy Name I pray...

And you shall begin to see God's holy spirit move in a more brisk and strong way...

Jesus said:  GREATER THAN THESE you & I shall do once HE goes to the right hand of HIS Father...

So what are you and the rest of the Body of Christ waiting for???

HE has told us how to do all things..

We simply need to choose to be MIRACLE workers in HIS Holy Name from the moment we wake til we close our eyes in bed for sleep...

But even then expect MIRACLES as you sleep...

For His Holy Word also says "HE gives HIS righteous little ones good things even as they sleep or in their slumber!"

So why expect to wake to blunders to work at to undo...

Go to sleep expecting that HIS Good News alive in you that works in & through you even as you sleep....healing every cell and fiber of your being requiring not even a speck of your energy to complete...

Expect yourself today from early morn of dawn to move mountains from out of your path all day ....

By speaking not about your mountains but ...
 To mountains of debt mountains and of pain, hate and jealousy and  to mountains of indifference the same...

And  see the strength restored to those whom you have known for years to be dragging themselves along under demonic spirits of heaviness and displeasure.

Only because today when you hear HIS Holy Voice as you read this letter which HE Himself has commanded me to type or write to you...

You and each heart with whom you share this...

Shall never again think that those MIRACLES were just for then....but they were and still are promised and given to every generation on earth who will joyfully boldly accept HIS gift which HE plainly stated was then and is now just waiting for every "whosoever" who will come to HIM whether heavily burdened or simply has been living life in too much hurry...

To each one HE gives the same offer...HIS very best in all circumstances...as Martha could not grasp even from the Lord Himself whom she served within her own home...

Only Mary knew how to choose and receive HIS best and HE promised shall not be taken from her.

Whether you or anyone...every whosoever chooses less than God's best has chosen fragments instead of a loaf or merely bristle instead of meat...

Has chosen it out of false humility.

For our Lord offers us all good things and HE grieves when we choose less than what we can have particularly when our hearts are always kneeling to HIM.

So start this moment right now...look beyond not only the bread that you eat who is our saving Lord...

Look beyond what is before you now in each human person and child...see the sick with Jeremiah eyes and speak healing into each of them and see the hand of Jesus Christ on top of yours as you lay your hands in Jesus Name upon anyone HIS Holy Hands come with yours!

And the next time you write....I want to hear about the MIRACLES HE has done because you have begun to boldly open your mouth...

More boldly than the children of darkness who have had so much power only because HIS children of HIS Light have been to quiet and silent.

Silence breeds fear and fear breeds doubt.

Where there is doubt Faith can never coexist...
So cast all spirits of fear to the foot of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ first...
Then hope, joy, peace and love may ring out everywhere.

Joy always cometh in the morning...not mourning!

Why mourn over what is not?

When you  and I can instead...open our mouths like HE did and speak to the dead to rise up out of their sleep and sins and in HIS Holy Light live!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!


CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th

CRUSIN BABY.... On 25th


We Can't Get Enough of Her!!!

EstherStephanada Meet Two NEW FRIENDS!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Stephanada found another Grand Mamma To LOVE!!

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU

Melinda-Angela Sends SMILES TO YOU
From Kanapolis NC K&W