Thursday, July 18, 2019

Prayers for you/Surgery/settling down after painting/

Greetings neighbors, friends, trying to send things to myself to correct mistakes before sending out to you.  Hope to hear from you and learn how you are feeling. 

I think at times what keeps me going is that I'm always with hunger, "anticipating, looking watching for the resurection of the dead and the life to come".

It's the last lines of our Creed we utter every Sunday and on Solimities within our Catholic Holy Mass.

We either mean what we say out of our mouth or we dont.  

Not heard from my sons in Nigeria since the day after my mother died in May.

I know that many priests in Nigeria, have been kidnapptortured and killed. 

But I entrust all of my sons over there in my heart, to our Blessed Mother and good God himself.

I entrust each of you and myself to our Blessed Mother and good God each day when I remember you in prayer.

I can see that Father Bede has not been signed into his account and over a month.

Could be something as simple as he could have received some kind of Cyber attack in that account and how to open a new account. And when your account is attacked if you use the automatic way of transferring your contacts the viruses and whatever you call them follow you to your new account.

I pray that I hear from all of them soon. Sometimes their internet is worse than some substandard also depending on whether they or at the Seminary or near it, or if they are sent out into the sticks....where signals do not exist.

I don't remember this long of a period  of time going by without hearing from some of them.

But I will.

Hope to hear from you all.


Sealing the painted floors with at least two coats of Thompsons water seal.

On Thu, Jul 18, 2019, 9:26 AM Mrs Stephanie <riseabovecircumstances@gmail.com> wrote:
Good God morning, 

The system would not let me send this last night to everyone I tried to include.  So I am now this morning forwarding to include you with many of those who received.

Know that though many of you, and I have not communicated in a very long time, I am still loving you with my prayers everyday.

He who is in me and in you has already overcome the world and all of its hate,  violence, and all evils and hardships.

Isn't it amazing that within  all of the criticism, that President Trump has received,  he has walked right into North Korea with its tyrant leader to talk face to face.

Lions laying down with lambs.

Sing praises to our good God!

I do not miss television, and I am glad not to have it hooked up.

Read some news online.

But doing it that way, I don't have to have all of that outrageous whatever you want to call it coming into my home.

Stay up-to-date with only what's important to me.

I sincerely pray for each of you in my daily prayers, Rosary and Divine Mercy. 

I remember you, each of you,  as  I pray along with one of the Daily Holy Masses that are out there online to choose from.

Those of you who have shared with me some difficulty that you have been living with, I have been sincerely praying for Good God to totally heal you, for cataracts, glaucoma, heart disease, and cancer to shrink shrink shrink until totally gone in you.... in Jesus Christ holy name by the authority of good God our Father and our baptisms and the holy priesthood of a few of you.....and by the POWER of his Most Holy Spirit,  be made healthy and whole now and forever....rejoicing and praising Good God.  We ask these things not according to ourselves but according to his written word, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary your Holy Mother, oh Lord, and our Holy Mother too, and through Jesus Christ her Divine Son our Lord, our Good Shepherd,  and Divine Physician, who is living and reigning With You Most Holy Spirit one good God forever and ever amen.

We thank you Most Holy Trinity.

And amazing also... is all that Good God has helped me accomplish in spite of my neck injuries.... when I have stayed home for weeks and not gone anywhere.

It takes a lot of time to walk anywhere,  particularly as far as the church, even if the extreme weather was not a health risk.

I'm doing many more physical things now. 

For an extremely long time, after each assault I endured,  I could not even sweep my floor.

I could not put the pressure into anything that was required to scrub something clean.

I'm doing a lot more of that sort of stuff now even though I've not been in physical therapy in a very long time.  I am not always able to effectively do it all. But I do what I can and when I recognize my efforts are not effective, I just let whatever it is lie where it is. It's not time to take care of it yet.

And I do something else that needs doing and is just as important.

But I am speaking this to text.

 I'm not capable of typing or tapping very much.

It's still much too hard to crochet or do the Finer Things that I enjoyed throughout my life.

A physical therapist understands the difference between what's required for these types of motor skills.

When I was in physical therapy a year ago I was really trying to finish a crocheted doll for the Arts Guild October contest.

I wasn't able to finish it. 

Good God put it on my heart a few months ago to start working on it again just a very little bit at a time.  Hope I do finish it in time.

But, in the event that I am not able, I am managing to paint my floor I with images of life and Waters of baptism and having a steady arm or hand it's not necessary. I go with the flow of the Holy Spirit in me.  There is no deadline.                                                           As my Precious William used to say. You have no boss, I am not your boss, I am your husband. 
                                                 And  remembering that way back before I was assaulted,  I could make one of these dolls with great speed in just a few weeks or even less,  when my husband was doing the household things.

And he was happy to do the household things for me to stitch because he had us in business and we got a tremendous amount of money for such things in festivals.

I can write by hand only for a very few minutes, maybe two paragraphs only tops, if I do it early and not after I've done many other things.

Then only sometimes my first two paragraphs maybe readable to somebody.

But typically I have to speak to text. 

My son purchased me a writing program and installed it into my laptop from another state earlier this year and connected it to the microphone that's in the windows 10 computer to use the Cortana.

But I got a serious cough that lasted for more than a month. I caught it on Mother's Day there was someone in the same Pew as me who should have stayed home....they had runny nose and coughing and sneezing. 

That very night my cough and sneezing started and immediately my cough was worse than his.

And this is when the microphone set up my son did just didn't work for me at all anymore obviously. 

But as the weeks with it persisted but cough less frequent, the microphone on my smartphone was typing my voice more correctly than the laptop.

But I never could understand why the microphone on this Smartphone types my voice correctly making rare mistakes only.

But my laptop wasn't getting anything correct.
I'm sure the microphone needs to be reset again. I ought to be able to go in there and figure out how to do it myself.
                                                  But right now I have a big push to finish all of the floors in my house.  The air in my house breathes so much easier and healthier!
                                            Praise our sweet Lord...for Who He is, and all the wonderful things he does for us.

Yet Good  God, Most Holy Trinity,  yearns to do even more in our lives, infinitely more then we can ask think dream or imagine.

Got to sleep late, but before midnight, and woke up just after 8pm.  So I'm sleeping well, and enough.

I'm not having issues with my neck as often when I try to sleep.

I don't think I even took any ibuprofen last night, and I still got to sleep in about a half hour with a Holy Mass repeating in my computer all night along with the Rosary.

Occasionally it has interrupted my sleep but it used to be a nightly thing that I could not get my neck comfortable pain free.

And so I am thanking a good God with faith that he is in the process of healing me totally in all areas of my being.

And good God yearns to do the same and more for you.

I miss writing postal cards and letters of prayer to shut-ins. But no one can read the majority of my handwriting anymore

Hope all of you are feeling well.

Good God bless each and everyone of you!

More floor painting today to do...complete the entire house!


: Surgery/settling down after painting

Good God bless you all,

I'm resting on sofa now, 11:19pm. after working hard all day setting up my house for the next phase of painting my floors.

If you are receiving this, know that even though you may rarely hear from me, I still remember you by name in my daily prayers.

I've been working on painting my floors with colors of life.

Light hues of greens and colors of waters...of baptism.

My floors have always been very unhealthy, even after good God supernaturally rid my house of toxic mold, when I spread salt blessed by a holy priest who was Pastor, when I moved here... Father Alphonse from India.

No matter how much time and work was put into cleaning these unfinished wood floors they we're still musty dusty and dirty.

Just after painting one small area late at night when I was first stirred to do it, my entire house has felt cleaner and healthier.

My bathrooms desperately need a carpenter or another supernatural  miracle  like when Good God put the pillars under my house as I slept Christmas Eve  2017.
You can see many new pillars between the old red brick ones.  Tap that number and see new pillars between the old ancient brick piers.

And you can see the other style pillars Good God even screwed into the wood framing underneath. 

Shoring crews are doing great just to get the right length/height supports in the right places to level the house. They cant even grade the land under a building. 

My brother responded to an email that I sent inviting my other brother Sean and our father to stay here if they needed to evacuate for Hurricane Barry.

He wrote telling me that our father was having angioplasty that very day when he was writing me a response to this invitation. 

No one would have told me that he was having angioplasty had there not been a hurricane concern and I had written.

As it turned out my brother Sean said on the telephone that the angioplasty had to be rescheduled because our father had some kind of surgical procedure on a boil that's on his rear end. 

Brother Daniel  also said our father is to have aeorta heart valve replacement surgery in August and I've not yet been told precisely when that will be either.

Both of our fathers older sisters had this surgery and both didn't live but a very short few days if that afterwards.

When my brother Daniel wrote all of our fathers how it was the first I had heard of it. And I had to write him back and let him know that no one in Dad's health condition could survive even an hour in my house.

He could never maneuver my house physically from room to room. And certainly could not use these bathrooms until either a carpenter rebuilds them or good God gives me another miracle like the pillars under my house that the carpenter who built my porch revealed when he removed the old porch on April 11th 2018 which was the anniversary of my husband's funeral Holy Mass.

Know my prayers for each of you are with you daily.

I thank you for your prayers also.

Good God bless you all,


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