Greetings....Good God bless you dear friends.
It's the new day our sweet Lord has we can meet and greet in his Holy Name.
An update on my floor project.
Many of you already know because you've been here before, or you have seen the photographs of my first year here in my home.
All of my wood floors for carpeted new before they put this house on the market and that was to hide a flood that took place in this house not from storms what from their own Plumbing.
The house was full of toxic mold when I purchased it but I didn't know it until after the closing and I was living in it.
And it was after I spread the Blessed salt with my faith, the night before the feast of Saint Francis in October of 2015, that I removed the carpet to expose the dead mold, mold Good God killed in my sleep..
Back when I painted omeros on my walls I was in physical therapy three mornings a week. And my physical therapist pressed me now Stephanie you know what I'm doing is not going to be doing much good if you're doing all of these projects in jobs.
But Richard you know the surfaces of the walls and so forth are not cleanable unless they're painted and I won't ever ever be healthy if I don't do it because there's no one else to do it.
He agreed with me on that and said we'll just have to work on it together to get you through it.
But after Lions Club split their payment, and I was abused by two different optometrists in two different facilities, suddenly I couldn't go to any kind of medical facility safely because everyone is friends of one of the optometrists or one of the optometrists family members.
So I could not get the referrals that my physical therapist could get paid by my insurance and all any of this means is that it puts me in a position to receive even more and greater miracles from good God.
Because when the normal avenues to accomplish any life need, gets blocked, we who live for him, strictly obedient to his written word and to his instructions to our personal hearts...he must perform for us who place his trust in us, or he ceases to be himself.
Because he is mercy and healing itself. And unless he builds my house, and your house, we labor in vain. I labor in vain.
He can never deny himself.
And so I desire to paint the floor when I painted the murals on the walls but I knew that at that time I was not capable of moving a shifting all of the furniture around to accomplish it.
But I am outside on my porch inner rocker waiting for the Thompson's clear sealer to dry.
A couple of heavier pieces in one corner I shifted onto blankets just this morning and drag them onto the porch pulling the blankets.
Where these pieces were the floor was not painted.
So I painted this corner before I started putting the clear sealer onto the floor from the opposite end where it had been dry for days.
I was surprised the paint in that corner was not dry to seal and so I'll have to seal that corner when the rest of the floor is dry enough to walk on the instructions say dry it with a towel after 10 minutes.
If I remember my husband using this same product to seal wood floors in a house we bought in North Carolina when we first moved in.
He hired professional floor sanders to sand the floors because they knock it out real fast.
But together my precious William and I cleaned up all of the sawdust and my precious husband sealed the floors before we moved anything into the living area upstairs. All the floors upstairs were Hardwood. But we had a walkout basement that had a concrete floor and we had our bed set up there and Essentials set up downstairs to sleep there until certain things were absolutely complete upstairs.
Specifically of the floors. I remember my husband put two coats of this stuff on the floors. And I specifically remember that he did not use a towel minutes after like it says to on the can.
After the first coat we let it dry for more than a day.
And then he did a second coat, allowed it to harden three days before we began moving anything up there.
When I first sat on the porch it was really hot I put one of the fans on and it really feels comfortable now and I believe I kind of forgot about how long how many minutes it's been since I worked my way out of the house.
Look at some of the photos. Certainly I have a lot more work to do some pieces I could not move yet and so there are areas that need to be painted and sealed at another time. I intend on doing the entire house.
I did not want to purchase any paint special for the floors but use what I already have.
And I wanted my floors to have a feeling of life no different than the murals throughout my house. So grasses and restful healing waters of baptism.
Take a look.
Peace and Blessings to each of you.
Stephanie/ Mom/Mum/Ma
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